Many of you have asked what the calendar in your child’s folder is for. It is a way for me to show you your child’s behavior during the day. It is important that you look and initial it each night because I keep it as a reference for the progress and report cards. The chart is visible in the classroom for you child to see at all times. Each child has a clip with his/her name on it, and when told to pull it they know to move it down to the next color. Every day each child starts out on GREEN, which is a normal smiley face in the folder. After given several warnings and chances if the child doesn’t correct his/her behavior they will be told to move to YELLOW, which is a straight faced smiley. If the behavior is repeated again the clip will be moved to RED, which is a sad face in the folder. An appropriate time-out during recess is given once the child has pulled a clip. A BLUE happy face has to be earned. This is done by following all the rules perfectly or doing something extra special, like helping a friend without being asked etc… BLUE is also given every Friday if the child has earned all Blues or Greens for the week. If your child has earned a BLUE at any time they will get to pick a toy out of the treasure box (I am also always open to treasure box donations as it empties fast). I try hard to write in the folder why a yellow or red has been earned but sometimes the day gets away from me, if at any time you have a question please feel free to contact me in some way.