Many of you have asked what the calendar in your child’s folder is for. It is a way for me to show you your child’s behavior during the day. It is important that you look and initial it each night because I keep it as a reference for the progress and report cards. The chart is visible in the classroom for you child to see at all times. Each child has a clip with his/her name on it, and when told to pull it they know to move it down to the next color. Every day each child starts out on GREEN, which is a normal smiley face in the folder. After given several warnings and chances if the child doesn’t correct his/her behavior they will be told to move to YELLOW, which is a straight faced smiley. If the behavior is repeated again the clip will be moved to RED, which is a sad face in the folder. An appropriate time-out during recess is given once the child has pulled a clip. A BLUE happy face has to be earned. This is done by following all the rules perfectly or doing something extra special, like helping a friend without being asked etc… BLUE is also given every Friday if the child has earned all Blues or Greens for the week. If your child has earned a BLUE at any time they will get to pick a toy out of the treasure box (I am also always open to treasure box donations as it empties fast). I try hard to write in the folder why a yellow or red has been earned but sometimes the day gets away from me, if at any time you have a question please feel free to contact me in some way.
Month: October 2016
PreK is all about learning how school works. We cover the rules of the school and classroom first, your child will learn all about Champ behavior. They learn how to walk in the halls, sit in the classroom, listen to instructions and treat friends and teachers with respect. Not only will they learn the basics such as ABC’s, 123’s, shapes and colors they will have a jump-start to Kindergarten. I am so excited about this year and working with you to give your child the best head start possible. I am always available to meet or speak with you about your child’s behavior and/or needs in the classroom. Please make sure you are looking at and signing the behavior chart that comes home each day in your child’s folder. This allows you to see how he/she acted during the day. By signing this I know that you have seen and acknowledged it. Please do not remove the calendar from the folder as I have to keep these in your child’s folder for future reference such as reporting at the nine weeks. Please make sure you have read the student handbook, there we have rules for things like birthday invites, parties, eating with your child, pickup and dress-code. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel the need.
Shelley Lloyd